Real estate planning
As long as a transaction proceeds smoothly, few people pay attention to the contract. But when problems develop, will the contract protect you and provide remedies? It pays to have an experienced real estate attorney prepare or review your purchase contract.
- An attorney will educate you on your rights and options so you can take appropriate steps to investigate your proposed transaction, such as when a property is sold “as is”, or there is a question of ownership or adverse possession.
- An attorney will advise you on potentially troublesome real estate transactions, such as seller carrybacks, or sales/leaseback transactions, and will draft a contract that limits your liability.
- An attorney working on behalf of the seller can correct title problems, review and correct lease agreements, and correct title problems. An attorney working on behalf of a buyer can draft purchase agreements, review title reports and explain the escrow process.
- An attorney with knowledge of estate planning can greatly assist families in deciding how to hold title to a property, how to transfer title of a property before or after death, and how a property can be partitioned.
- And an attorney is vital in helping to resolve disputes, through real estate litigation or real estate mediation.